Cancellation FAQs

1. Can I cancel my order after placing it?

Yes, you can cancel your order before it is shipped.
Once shipped, cancellation is no longer possible, but you may refuse delivery, and the order will be returned to us.

2. How do I cancel my order?

Log in to your account and navigate to the "My Orders" section.
Select the order you wish to cancel and click "Cancel Order."
Confirm the cancellation request.

3. Will I be charged for canceling my order?

No, there are no charges for order cancellations if done before shipping.

4. Can I modify my order instead of canceling it?

Unfortunately, order modification is not available after placing it. You can cancel and place a new order instead.

5. What if I was charged for an order that I canceled?

If the payment was already made, a full refund will be initiated as per our refund timelines.

Refund FAQs

6. What is your refund policy?

We offer refunds for:

Canceled orders (before shipping).
Returned products that meet our return policy criteria.
Orders that couldn’t be fulfilled due to unforeseen circumstances.

7. How will I receive my refund?

Refunds are processed through the original payment method or as store credit, depending on your preference:

Online Payment:

Refund to the bank/card account used for the transaction.

Cash on Delivery (COD):

Refunds are processed as bank transfers or store credits.

8. How long does it take to get a refund?

Online Payments: 5–7 business days after refund initiation.
COD Orders: 7–10 business days after you provide your bank details.
Processing times may vary depending on your bank.

9. What if I don’t receive my refund within the expected time?

If your refund hasn’t been received after the stipulated time, please contact our support team with your order and refund details.

10. Are there any products not eligible for refunds?

Yes, refunds are not applicable for:

Personal care items and hygiene products.
Undergarments and intimate wear.
Customized or personalized products.
Products marked as “Final Sale.”

11. What should I do if I receive a damaged product?

If your order arrives damaged or defective:

Contact us within 48 hours of delivery.
Share photos/videos of the product and packaging for verification.
We’ll process a replacement or refund upon verification.

12. Who bears the cost of return shipping for refunds?

For defective/damaged products or incorrect orders, we bear the return shipping cost.
For other reasons, a nominal return shipping fee may apply.

Other FAQs

13. Can I cancel a part of my order?

Yes, partial cancellations are allowed for eligible items in your order.

14. What happens if my refund is delayed?

Refund delays can occur due to technical issues or bank processing times. Please contact our support team for assistance if the delay exceeds the expected timeframe.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us:

Phone: +91-8949601256
Address: F-805, Road no.14, VKI area, Jaipur-302013, Rajasthan, India

Thank you for shopping with AVI Lifestyle!

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